25 Ways to Turn Your Home into a Staycation Holiday

Holidays abroad remain a risky business and vacationing at home has never been more popular. Join Jaques of London as we look to bring the holidays home and explore 25 Ways to Turn Your Home into a Staycation Holiday.
Bring Your Vacation Home
1. Lotion Up - Get the smell of suntan lotion in the air - Pop the cap for the unmistakable scent of summer sun.
2. Load Up on Ice Lollies - Let everyone know you are in the summer mood with your favourite ice lollies filling every corner of the freezer.
3. Get Creative with Cocktails -Add the ice, toss in some fruit and get shaking… Its Piña Colada-O’clock!
4. Swim for the Win - Swimming is a holiday must. A paddling pool makes for a great alternative for the real thing. So, bask in garden glory with a pint-sized paddle.
5. Send a Postcard - What would a staycation be without boasting of the glorious weather to envious family members? Be the envy of nay-cationing siblings for the summer months.
6.Bring in the Sand - Bring the beach to the backyard. No need to go crazy! Just make sure you have enough to build a castle and bury an uncle.
7. The Sounds of the Sea - Unless you happen to be lucky enough to cohabit with the coast, the sounds of the sea are a staycation must that you will miss out on. Let’s fool our senses and bring the sound waves of ocean waves to your favourite MP3 player. Your ears won’t know the difference.
8. Learnt the Lingo – A Brit abroad would be nothing without a hazardous attempt at the local language. Add a touch of vocational culture to your home bound summer stay and be sure to throw some foreign tongue into proceedings.
9. Don’t Leave – Why remind yourself that your daily realities still exist? You are on the Staycation of your life, so be sure to stay on a self-imposed garden lockdown.
10. Eat Appropriately – Holiday meals are about over-indulging on your favourite travel treats. So be sure to cook up a Paella and bring the fragrances of the med to your summer staycation.
11. Get Outdoor Furnishings – What would a British holiday be without the last-minute dash for the lounger? Beat the tanned opposition, and make sure your garden is a sun-kissed paradise.
12. Outdoor Games – Holidays demand outdoor fun and adventure. This is your opportunity to “pack” all the games you want without worrying about weighty luggage during check-in. So, get outside, practice your holiday aim with Quoits, dominate the dots with Giant Dominoes and swing for joy with your own Trapeze Bar.
13. Be a Bookworm – Find a shady spot and do what true holidaymakers do best, pull back the pages on that book you have been meaning to read and cram in your literary lessons for the year.
14. Outdoor Dining – Come rain, wind of shine, holiday means eating Al Fresco. So, even when the clouds set in, your duty is to do Staycationing properly and always dine outdoors.
15. Hammock Holidays – For the ultimate Staycation luxury, become the king of the swingers by getting your very own hammock set up for some backyard bliss.
16. Virtual Reality – If the reality of the garden is too grim to bring your Staycation to life, why not skip out on reality and invest in your own VR headset. Virtual trips around the world await. But don’t stay away for too long, you may forget what is real!
17. Towels at the End of the Bed – Give yourself a personal touch of TLC and pander to your own high vacationing expectations. Be sure to prepare a wooden tray with a small bouquet of flowers, get the complimentary tea set on the go and always have a towel neatly folded at the end of the bed, for that special finishing touch.
18. Only Wear your Holiday Clothes – Being at home may tempt you into pulling on your more casual wardrobe items. But we suggest that you resist. Always opt for your finest holiday clobber and unpack a suitcase of Staycationing style.
19. Be Spontaneous – There’s something about getting away that always leads us to spontaneous acts of fun! Keep the holiday revelry alive during your staycation and always say Yes to any adventurous idea.
20. Plan Ahead – Some like to go with the flow, but if you are a planner in paradise, be sure to create a list of everything you want to experience during your Staycationing session.
21. See Your Town in a New Way – We all know our own towns like the back of our hands. So, treat your Staycation home like a tourist. Go for a walk and only turn down roads you have never been to before.
22. Take the Phone off the Hook – Surely your workplace knows better than to call you when vacationing away? The same should apply during your special Staycation at home. So, keep work at a safe distance and keep the phone unplugged.
23. Get as Much Sun as Possible – One of the things that makes holidays so special is the energy we get from spending so much time in the sun. So, make getting that perfect tan your ultimate mission during your Staycation.
24. Play Travel Games – A summer away with family makes classic games a must. Keep, the illusion of travel in place by only playing travel games. Whether taking checkmate cheer with you in the form of a Travel Chess Set, or pinging with precision with a Travel Tiddly Winks collection, staycation play should be a given.
25. Barbeque Daily – The oven should be out of service for your Staycation experience. Holidays means charcoal and smoke flavoured meats, so be sure to stock up on the essential and be the king of the BBQ for your summer break.
So, now that you are fully loaded on the best way to turn your home into a staycation holiday, pull out the sunglasses, get the trunks and bikinis on and get ready for the homely holiday of your life!