FREE Arts and Crafts Activities to Celebrate Grandparents Day 2020

Let's Celebrate Grandparents Day


In the UK, National Grandparents Day is always celebrated on the first Sunday in October. Therefore, this year, Grandparents Day UK is Sunday 4th October. Did you know that every year there is a whole day dedicated to celebrating grandparents? If not, here’s how you can get involved with a Grandparents Day celebration, party or present. 


What is Grandparent’s Day? 

This special day was first celebrated in 1978 and is mostly celebrated in the UK and USA. A lot of people have not heard of Grandparent’s Day as it is not as widely publicised as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. However, at Jaques of London, we believe that Grandparents are extremely important family members who should be celebrated in the same way as parents.  

In 2017, Age-UK found that two fifths (40%) of the UK’s grandparents over the age of 50 provided frequent childcare for their grandchildren. This equates to five million grandparents who have an important role in their grandchildren’s upbringing.  

Family Picture

Benefits of Kids Spending Time with Grandparents 

As an 8th generation family-run business, we understand the importance of building strong relationships from generation to generation and advocate surrounding your children with positive role models and relationships built on love, mutual respect, and trust.  

Age-UK revealed that caring for Grandchildren had the following benefits for Grandparents… 

  • 50% of Grandparents surveyed said that caring for their grandkids kept them active, both physically and mentally.  

  • 14% revealed that it stopped them from being lonely. 

  • 38% claimed that looking after the grandkids gave them a sense of purpose.

Grandad Gardening

As well as having benefits for grandparents, there are also numerous benefits of being looked after by their grandparents for kids. These include… 

  • Spending time with a broader range of adults increases children’s self-confidence and communication.  

  • The opportunity to learn new skills from their grandparent, such as baking or sewing.  

  • The opportunity to teach their grandparents new skills, for example technology or new concepts being explored at school.  

  • Having an additional adult they can turn to in times of need. 


Arts and Crafts Activities 

With visits to older relatives being restricted at certain points this year, it is vital that we reach out to our Grandparents and older relatives to check they are okay, even if it is via a telephone call or a handwritten letter.  

Below, we have compiled some arts and crafts activities that your little ones can complete to say thank you to their grandparents on NGD 2020. Show the special people in your life that you care with a thoughtful, handmade gift.  

Activity 1 - Send a Hug Arts and Crafts Activity

Grandad Hug

Show grandparents that you care with this sweet piece of hand art!

Activity 2 - Reasons Why I Love You Jar

Fill a jar with messages of love and care; find out how. 

Activity 3 - Handprint Cards

A super easy and classic art activity. Kids will LOVE the opportunity to get messy with this activity. 

Jaques of London Arts and Crafts Toys

Our Reversible Ultimate Craft Set and Count and Spell Reversible Board Set are perfect for allowing your little ones to express themselves through art! We  also sell a fantastic easel for your budding young artists and musical instruments for further self expression! Our Let's Create range is designed for imaginative freedom, the opportunity for self expression and creative license.

Make sure you share with us what you get up to celebrate Grandparents Day 2020! 

Instagram: @jaquesoflondon 

Kate Luke
Head Of Brand
After graduating with a 2.1 Music degree, Kate pursued a career in the Music Industry, becoming a professional West End vocalist and a fully qualified Music Teacher, School Choir Leader and Songwriter. As one of Jaques of London’s Creative Editors, her specialism surrounds building confidence and expression through music & play—drawing upon her qualifications in Music Psychology & Child Development. As well as this, she is an accomplished blog writer and published journalist who enjoys promoting the importance of Montessori learning for all ages.
Ben Williamson
Creative Writer
Ben is passionate about Montessori learning for children and has written for many parenting publications to bring the magic of real play to families in the UK. After graduating in 2009, his career has enabled him to work in areas such as Child Development and Psychology. As a great believer that learning starts at home, he combines his experience with his own parenting style to help bring other families together.
Jess Casson
Marketing Assistant
Jess graduated from the University of York in 2022 with a degree in Sociology and Criminology; kickstarting her career in the creative marketing industry through content creation and social media management. One of these roles involved creating content for a children's holiday camp, which alongside a knowledge of Montessori Teaching, formed an interest in childhood development. Utilising her expertise in both these fields has allowed her to promote and share her passions with the online community while exploring her talent for writing and establishing collaborations.
Laura Henderson
Interior Designer
Interior Designer, Laura Henderson, lives in Surrey with her husband and two daughters. Taking a timeless approach to her designs and drawing on her love of colour, antiques, art, modernist furniture and photography she delivers luxurious compositions and peaceful sanctuaries within every space. Her previous experience in furniture design plays an integral role in the development of each of her projects, as does the time she spends getting to know her clients. She uses this to achieve beautiful, practical, reimagined layouts, resulting in projects that enhance a client’s lifestyle, reflecting their individual passions. To learn more see her website

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