Learn about Nature

Plant a garden

Gardening is one of the best Educational Games to Play at Home.

It’s so much more than sticking a seed in the ground and waiting for it to grow.
There are so many different educational concepts that can be introduced. For example, counting out seeds, reading the names of the plants on the seed packed, writing the plant names, and many other things.

Encourage your kids to plant a garden and they’ll be learning about science and nutrition, as well as receiving a lesson in patience, because they’ll have to wait patiently for the seeds to grow.

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A garden can also teach pre-schoolers how plants grow and come to life. Nutrition is part of the experience because you’ll get them excited about eating
what they’ve grown.
If your kids are a little older, encourage them to keep a gardening journal
and grow more challenging plants.

  • A small patch of dirt
  • or a sunny place to put some pots
  • Seeds


Some veggies are easier to grow than others, for example,
carrots, courgettes, beans, peas, lettuce, pumpkins are all good places to start.
Edible flowers such as pansies come in many colours so you and the kids can choose your favourites or choose a wildflowers seed set and see what grows!

We hope you enjoy creating your own little garden with the kids. Have your own Garden activity? don't forget to share your ideas with us using #Antiscreenrevolution 

Ben Williamson
Creative Writer
Ben is passionate about Montessori learning for children and has written for many parenting publications to bring the magic of real play to families in the UK. After graduating in 2009, his career has enabled him to work in areas such as Child Development and Psychology. As a great believer that learning starts at home, he combines his experience with his own parenting style to help bring other families together.