Exploration Stations - Outdoor Play

As part of our outdoor play focus this week, we have come up with some ideas for creating fun outdoor play areas for kids! In this blog, we have provided examples of exploration stations for you to try at home.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to exploration stations. You can adapt and create your exploration stations according to your child's interests. 
Exploration Stations have multiple benefits for childhood development including... 
  • Sensory play 
  • Development of fine motor skills
  • Encourage imaginative play and creativity 
  • Increases curiosity and understanding of the world around them 
  • Digital resilience
  • Improves hand-eye coordination 
  • Self-confidence 
  • Resilience and willingness to try new things.
    Check out our ideas for DIY Exploration Stations
    Ben Williamson
    Creative Writer
    Ben is passionate about Montessori learning for children and has written for many parenting publications to bring the magic of real play to families in the UK. After graduating in 2009, his career has enabled him to work in areas such as Child Development and Psychology. As a great believer that learning starts at home, he combines his experience with his own parenting style to help bring other families together.