The 12th July 2020 marks the beginning of Love Parks week. The purpose of Love Parks Week is to strum up appreciation and interest in our local parks. Often parks can be neglected and tarnished with litter being left behind and local areas becoming overgrown and unappealing.

Love Parks Week aims to encourage care and a conscientious attitude towards our nation’s fantastic green spaces.

During lockdown, parks and outdoor areas were crucial in maintaining physical and mental health. It was a fantastic opportunity for people to truly appreciate the open, outdoor spaces around them, utilising them during an extremely difficult time.

Ordinarily, there would be lots of events happening to celebrate Love Parks Week. However, some events may be impacted due to the ongoing situation.

Ideas to Celebrate Love Parks Week 2020

However, here are some ideas to help you celebrate Love Parks Week 2020:

  • Take a picnic to your local park with your bubble of friends and family.
  • Arrange a litter pick in your local community park.
  • Arrange a bird watching activity with your kids in the park. You could extend this to a mini-beasts hunt.
  • Allow the kids to design a play area that they would love to have in their local park.

So, make the most of your local park this week; take the time to truly appreciate it and consider how you can contribute to looking after your park and making it as lovely as possible!

Ben Williamson
Creative Writer
Ben is passionate about Montessori learning for children and has written for many parenting publications to bring the magic of real play to families in the UK. After graduating in 2009, his career has enabled him to work in areas such as Child Development and Psychology. As a great believer that learning starts at home, he combines his experience with his own parenting style to help bring other families together.