Let’s Get Baking: Vegan Christmas Pudding Brownies

Let’s Get Baking: Vegan Christmas Pudding Brownies
Oh yes, you read that right! This recipe is a massive hit amongst chocolate lovers and those passionate about Christmas puds: so that’s just about everyone! It’s time to get the kids in the kitchen to create another tasty treat. But first, check out the third instalment of our brilliant baking blog: guaranteed to fill you with festive inspiration.
Collect the complete Christmas method and recipe Here
The Benefits of Baking and Treat Making for Children
Vegan Christmas Pudding Brownies
- Mouthwatering Mathematics: making maths fun can sometimes be a challenge. But baking is a groundbreaking way to get hands-on and have fun with numbers. Measure out ingredients, explore grams and millilitres, and watch your mixture multiply into magnificent morsels.
- From Numbers to Nutrition: Investigate ingredients and create conversations around nutrition, healthy eating and where foods come from. Help little ones form healthful habits and encourage them to try new things.
- Watch Self Confidence Soar: Baking boosts cognitive function by encouraging kids to engage their creativity, problem-solving skills and knowledge to enjoy sumptuous success. As these abilities grow, so does self-confidence!
- Hungry Tummies Bring Us Together: This time of year pace of life picks up, and suddenly we are busier than we have ever been! But baking keeps us bonded and is a great way to spend quality time with the kids and make multiple merry memories.
Fun Festive Facts
Christmas Pudding & Brownies
- No one really knows how brownies came to be, but there are plenty of legends! Can you solve the mystery of these magical desserts?
- Despite Christmas pudding also being known as plum pudding, the recipe has never contained plums!
- Brownies get tastier the longer they are left, so bake these delicious treats a day in advance for a melty chocolatey masterpiece!
- Sir Thomas Cromwell banned Christmas pudding along with the rest of the holiday merriment in the 17th Century. He felt this time of year called for more fasting and less feasting. Thankfully Charles II reversed these changes when he received his crown!
- The ‘Brownie Extraordinaire’ is the most expensive brownie in the world, costing a whopping $15,000!
- It is tradition to hide a penny in your Christmas pudding. Whoever finds it when they tuck in, is said to receive one whole year of good luck.
We hope this blog has you inspired to bake some tasty treats!
Let’s get those little ones active and encourage bottoms out of their seats.
If you try this recipe let us know:
By leaving us a comment below!