How Can I Teach My Child To Play Alone?

Busy mums have so much to do, and we’ve all asked the burning question, How Can I Get My Child to Play Alone? Jaques of London is all about family fun and learning, but we also know the importance of allowing children to develop their own unique interests. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some methods for encouraging solo play, and begin teaching independent play for children.
5 Steps Towards Better Independent Play for Children
Inspire with suggestions
When a child can’t entertain themselves, it may be as simple as a lack of inspiration. This is where your mission begins (and hopefully ends). No need to bombard your lone learner with options but setting up what they need to complete a task, or providing them with an interesting play challenge, can be a fun-derful introduction to allowing your child to undertake a solo mission of their own.
No interruptions
Seeing our kids play can be incredibly addictive, so you may struggle to keep yourself from building towers and completing puzzles. Whilst this shows what an amazingly awesome parent you are, it is important to allow children the space to learn and adapt. Play is an important part of this, so don’t be a meddling mummy or distracting daddy, allow your playful pup their own designated toddler time.
The Right Toys
We all know the scene; The brand-new toy purchased only last week has already been pushed aside for the latest and greatest plastic marvel. This is where it is important to provide the correct tools for the job. Toys that inspire inquisitiveness, experimentation, and discovery, are built upon the Montessori Toys Method of learning and draw children into a more focussed world of play. The interactive Jaques of London Shape Sorting Cube makes for a great jumping-off point.
Create a suitable play environment
If your little one's teacher assures you that they have no issues with your child playing alone at school, it may be time to turn playtime into a more structured event. Turn off the TV, hide the remote, and keep the telephone chatter to a minimum. A quiet and dedicated play environment can provide a great basis for better independent play for children. You can’t fit a square peg into a circular hole, so make sure your child’s play area is ready-made for fun to drop right in.
No, this isn’t your drill sergeant speaking, but attention is vital in teaching children to play alone. Solo play shouldn’t be about shuffling our kids out of the way. Share plenty of your own time before sitting them down for some unattended interaction and your child will be able to more easily relax, knowing that you are there.
However you approach the problem, just know that when it comes to asking, “How can I get my child to play alone?”, Jaques of London is always here to help. For more fun, educational, and invaluable parenting and early-learning resources, please pay us a visit at the Mini Minds Hub