Christmas Tree Gift Giving

National Christmas Tree Day is on the 8th December when homes are adorned in Christmas glee. So, let’s learn a little more about the history of the famed green and bristly Christmas tree and the way they’ve influenced our gift-giving throughout the years.

Trees & Tradition

Just as people today decorate their homes during the festive season with evergreens such as pine, spruce, and fir trees, our predecessors hung boughs over their doors and windows to ward off witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illness. This was because the evergreens were thought to hold special meaning during the winter. After all, they kept their leaves and colour throughout the season, while most foliage would die back.

It's because of this that the Christmas tree has become an iconic part of the festive season, and a staple in homes up and down the country. As the central feature of most living rooms at this time of year, a lit-up tree is a perfect place to place all the presents you’ve lovingly bought in anticipation for the big day.

Present Pairings

One of the most poignant parts of a festively strewn tree are the gifts tucked underneath. Not all countries place their presents underneath, though. In Europe, presents are left in shoes or boots put out by the children. In Italy and the USA, presents are most often left in stockings hung by the fireplace. In many countries, presents are put under the Christmas Tree for many weeks until the morning of the 25th!     

If the space under your free is lacking, some have even taken to place presents inside the tree. Carefully balancing them atop the branches or carefully stuffing them into the foliage. For this, here are our most compact gifts in size!

Small gifts, big impact

  1. Deluxe Waterproof Playing Cards
  2. The Biza wooden puzzle
  3. Jaques Travel Chess Set
  4. Let's Learn Basic Letters
  5. Travel Tiddledy Winks Set