Why Is Maths Important in Early Years?

Let’s add up our thoughts and not divide opinion, as we look at how maths forms a vital foundation for a wonderful early-learning experience.

We would never imagine our kids running before they can walk, so we can’t expect algebra before addition. This is where early maths comes in. Through natural play and curiosity, early maths is about providing our little learners with the building blocks required to develop an inquisitive, analytical and healthy way of thinking about the world around them.
Jaques of London takes this quite literally.
From sensory building blocks to our add-ictive numbers games, the entire teacher-developed Let’s Learn toy range is built with playful experimentation in mind. This approach allows children to develop a natural understanding of how numerics are involved in so much of what they see and do. In doing so, they’ll learn concepts such as:

- Near & Far

- High & Low

- Tall & Short

- Heavy & Light

- Fast & Slow

- First & Last

- Big & Small

- Right & Wrong

As you can see, Early maths forms the foundations for a non-stop adventure of discovery.
How Does Maths Inspire Kids to Learn?
As parents, we are lucky enough to take for granted all that maths has taught us about the world. But just what are our kids learning when they begin to experiment with these vital skills? How could maths matter so much for early development?
In fact, the number of positive influences it has are almost incalculable. So, let’s look at a few of the marvellous things maths can do to inspire further thinking in young minds:
1) Foundation for Future Learning: Early exposure to math lays a solid foundation for future academic success. It's like building the first layer of a magnificent castle of knowledge. 


2) Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Math is not just about numbers; it's about cultivating problem-solving skills and fostering a logical mindset. These skills, acquired through playful math activities, are tools that will benefit kids throughout their lives.


3) Everyday Practicality: From counting toys to dividing snacks, maths is a part of everyday life. Learning maths through play makes it relatable and showcases its practical applications, empowering kids to navigate the world around them.


4) Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Engaging in math activities sharpens cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and spatial awareness. It's like a mental workout that strengthens the brain's capacity for learning. 


5) Preparation for School Success: As kids approach school age, a familiarity with math concepts puts them ahead of the curve. It boosts confidence and eases the transition into more structured learning environments. 


6) Fun Learning Experience: Incorporating math into playtime adds an element of joy to the learning process. It transforms numbers into friends and math into a fun adventure, creating positive associations that last a lifetime. 

Why Do Children Need Maths?

Maths is far more important than boosting your little mathemagicians future hopes of starring on Countdown. It is a language and, just like our spoken word, it allows us to communicate and understand the world around us.
Developed alongside teachers, our Mini Minds Hub is packed with a wonderful collection of maths resources, ensuring that you and your little learner will be math-ecstatic. So throw your calculators into the air and join us. Let’s all celebrate National Maths Day together and multiply the fun! All the numbers add up, solving the equation of just why it is maths important in the early years of learning.

Kate Luke
Head Of Brand
After graduating with a 2.1 Music degree, Kate pursued a career in the Music Industry, becoming a professional West End vocalist and a fully qualified Music Teacher, School Choir Leader and Songwriter. As one of Jaques of London’s Creative Editors, her specialism surrounds building confidence and expression through music & play—drawing upon her qualifications in Music Psychology & Child Development. As well as this, she is an accomplished blog writer and published journalist who enjoys promoting the importance of Montessori learning for all ages.
Ben Williamson
Creative Writer
Ben is passionate about Montessori learning for children and has written for many parenting publications to bring the magic of real play to families in the UK. After graduating in 2009, his career has enabled him to work in areas such as Child Development and Psychology. As a great believer that learning starts at home, he combines his experience with his own parenting style to help bring other families together.
Jess Casson
Marketing Assistant
Jess graduated from the University of York in 2022 with a degree in Sociology and Criminology; kickstarting her career in the creative marketing industry through content creation and social media management. One of these roles involved creating content for a children's holiday camp, which alongside a knowledge of Montessori Teaching, formed an interest in childhood development. Utilising her expertise in both these fields has allowed her to promote and share her passions with the online community while exploring her talent for writing and establishing collaborations.
Laura Henderson
Interior Designer
Interior Designer, Laura Henderson, lives in Surrey with her husband and two daughters. Taking a timeless approach to her designs and drawing on her love of colour, antiques, art, modernist furniture and photography she delivers luxurious compositions and peaceful sanctuaries within every space. Her previous experience in furniture design plays an integral role in the development of each of her projects, as does the time she spends getting to know her clients. She uses this to achieve beautiful, practical, reimagined layouts, resulting in projects that enhance a client’s lifestyle, reflecting their individual passions. To learn more see her website www.laurahendersoninteriordesign.com.

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